Save Refugee Families, Now and for Eternity

Collapsing economies, ongoing conflict, and a global pandemic are crushing desperate, vulnerable refugees already scarred by trauma and saddled with the burden of keeping themselves and their families alive. Many of the world’s refugees come from Muslim backgrounds and know nothing of a loving Savior who can redeem their lives and give them hope for their future.

Before Islamic terrorism forced them from their homes, Muslim refugees from the Middle East were forbidden to read God’s Word. But now, away from their homes and disillusioned with Islam, they are open–even hungry–to learn about the loving God of the Bible. The Body of Christ today has an unprecedented opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ with these hurting people.

You can meet the spiritual and physical hunger of these refugees with your gift today of $34, which will provide a refugee family with one week of life-saving food and other necessities, delivered in Jesus’ name by indigenous missionaries.