Help Find, Vet, and Evaluate Workers

The native ministries that you support are working among more than 2,000 unreached people groups, planting churches and raising up indigenous leaders to equip them to further expand the kingdom. In many cases the only ones in position to bring the gospel to unreached people, native workers are key to fulfilling the Lord’s command to make disciples of all nations.

Support Indigenous Missionaries in China

Young people are the future, leading native evangelists not only to focus on university students but preparing them to plant churches when they return to their home areas. The evangelists’ native ministry has founded four university fellowships and begun 15 house churches since its inception 16 years ago.

Help Victims of Natural Disasters in the Philippines

Super typhoon Goring hammered the islands with gale-force winds, torrential rains and flashfloods in August, damaging some homes and destroying others. Crops were submerged and businesses wiped out. As families were evacuated to government relocation centers, native workers provided aid that helped restore homes and lives.

Help Proclaim Freedom in Christ in Mexico

A 17-year-old tribal boy was carrying deep resentment over abuse he suffered from his parents and was beginning to rebel. Family members of a native Christian worker recently shared the gospel with him, and he put his faith in Christ. He learned to forgive his parents and felt a great weight lifted from him.

Build Biblically Solid Churches in Bangladesh

Native Christian workers following up with people who accepted Christ during home visits later prayed and studied the Scripture with them and left them with Bibles. “They were very happy to get this special thing,” the ministry leader said.

Help Bring Gospel Transformation in South Asia

As new Christians stepped out in faith to build God’s kingdom, they found the Lord wondrously helped them. Native Christian workers discipled young people in how to minister to people in their community, and widespread alcohol abuse, black magic and gambling decreased.

Reach Refugees for Christ in Europe

Refugees from Africa, the Middle East and other areas of conflict take life-threatening risks to migrate to European countries in desperate efforts to survive. Arriving at areas where local people are increasingly hostile toward migrants, the refugees frequently find that native Christian workers are the only ones offering them aid.

Fortify New Believers in Ghana

A native Christian worker who travelled to a northern region to disciple people who had accepted Christ on a previous visit found they were in need of biblical reinforcement. “Almost all who gathered under the trees were not sure of their salvation,” he said. “These 105 people rededicated to Christ.”

Bring More People into the Kingdom in Türkiye

A family suffering various illnesses was passing by a church and, having seen a film depicting foreign pastors casting out evil spirits, entered the native ministry’s office and asked for prayer. Workers prayed for them and gave them a New Testament, encouraging them to read it daily and ask Christ for help.

Extend Hope to the Lost in Burundi

A Muslim mother of five attended a meeting at a native Christian worker’s home, where she was stunned by how genuinely church members prayed and loved each other. As she began studying the Bible, she concluded that Christ was her Savior and put her trust in Him.