URGENT: Crisis in the Congo

Two years of fighting. Nearly six million people displaced. Bombings, human rights abuses, and forced recruitment. This is current-day DRC, where armed rebels are closing in on one of the country’s main cities in its mineral-rich eastern region. As they march, families flee, and more than 700,000 are trapped behind the front lines, where lack of food, safe drinking water, and diseases such as cholera and measles are a growing and serious problem.

Help Equip Evangelists in Congo

Christian Evangelist riding on the back of a motorcycle being driven by another man on a muddy road in the Congo

Routes to unreached jungle villages were accessible only by motorcycle and on foot, but native Christian workers recently went to plant churches in those areas; there were no schools within 12 miles, and the nearest health center was 19 miles away. With prayer, commitment and faith, they recently opened three churches with 173 members in those villages.