Help Bring Salvation to the Unreached in Mali

Christian missionaries in Mali passing out Bibles to inmates behind bars

Native Christian workers are grateful that no officials have opposed them or stopped them from distributing Bibles in prisons, where detainees and officials are Muslims. The reverse has happened: officials have sent workers several letters thanking them for the transformation they’ve seen in the prisons.

Help Send Word of Eternal Life in Mali

Prison officials were deeply relieved to see native Christian workers bring inmates soap, bleach, disinfectants, medicines, mosquito nets, sleeping mats and drinks, and they immediately gathered the prisoners in the courtyard to hear the gospel. They listened intently, and soon hard faces began to soften, eyes reddened, and one inmate cried out, “I am guilty – this man is telling the truth, God help me.”

Gospel Melts Inmates and Prison Official in Mali

Jail inmates in Mali stand with their hands gripping the metal bars of their cell while a Christian missionary stands on the other side preaching the gospel

A crowd of murderers, thieves and other violent men, women and minors in Mali were incarcerated uneasily in the same prison when guards called them into the courtyard. An officer told the inmates that Christians had come from hundreds of kilometers away to give them advice, and to please listen to them. The hardened faces softened as the native Christian worker spoke of disobedience, sin and salvation. The worker knew this might be the only chance the criminals from different tribes had of hearing the gospel, the ministry leader said.