Encourage Family Unity in Iran

A young woman went with her sister to a church member’s house one evening determined to discover why her sister’s behavior had changed. While there, the owner of the house presented her with a Bible, and the woman’s eyes immediately filled with tears. “For years I have been looking for a sign of Christ in my real life,” she said. After a two-hour gospel conversation, the woman was baptized in the bathtub. “From now until the end of my life I put my whole life in the way of Christ,” she said afterward. Your gifts support evangelism needs. Pray that relationships among family and neighbors might help guide people toward belief in Christ.

Help Workers Plant Churches in Iran

A man addicted to drugs for 20 years became so desperate that he tried to kill himself. Native Christian workers visited and prayed with him, and after three days he put his faith in Christ, stopped using drugs and began sharing his faith with addicts.

Help Workers Proclaim Good News in Iran

Young Iranian girl wearing a floral head covering and two necklaces

When native Christian workers collected a church offering to bring to a needy family, upon arrival they were surprised to hear the daughter tell them she knew they were coming from Jesus. She told them that two nights prior she had dreamt of being in a beautiful garden where Jesus told her He would send her help.

Help Share Saving Grace in Iran

An elderly woman was in evident pain from an illness she had suffered for six years when native Christian workers visited her. After they had prayed for her for five minutes, she began to feel relief and got better as they continued praying. The workers shared the gospel with her and her adult son, and they accepted Christ’s grace.

Enable Gospel Outreach in Iran

Man holding in his lap a Bible written in Arabic

Native Christian workers taking Bibles to a remote village where evangelizing comes with great risks met a man with a large tattoo on his neck. He was shocked when they offered him a Bible, as it was forbidden in the strict Islamic area, but he had been wanting one.

God Demonstrates His Power in Iran

An Iranian woman walks out of a shop with a grocery bag while men sit outside in chairs on the street

Three Christians told a seriously ill, elderly man in Iran they had come only to help him and offered him fruit and meat. He reviled them for 20 minutes, questioning why they had come and who had sent them. When they asked to pray for him, his only response was, “Never! Prayer can’t help me. I’m waiting to die!”

Equip Gospel Workers in Iran

Iranian Christians gather together in a small group a while one of them teaches from a whiteboard

A group of new Christians has begun meeting led by a member of their ethnic group. Elsewhere, native Christian workers shared the gospel with a woman whose husband and child had accepted Christ, and a few days later she had a dream and called a leader, who along with his wife led her to saving faith.

Provide Gospel Tools in Iran

An open bible written in Arabic

Local missionaries are praying that people will be curious about Christianity and read the 30,000 New Testaments they recently distributed in 250 new towns and villages. One worker went into three states, baptized new believers and trained Christians to lead churches.