Help Bring Gospel Reconciliation in Nepal

Nepalese Christians meeting outside wearing warm clothes sitting in blue lawn chairs for a Bible study

Witchdoctors unable to cure a sick woman accused her neighbor of putting a curse on her. The neighbor was then ostracized, and her health deteriorated as she worried that she could be publicly beaten over the false accusation. After medical treatment failed, her family brought her to a native Christian worker for prayer, and when she attended his worship service, she was astonished to find her sick neighbor present.

Help Form Strong Disciples in Nepal

A 36-year-old man gradually descended into madness, neglecting his family and drinking so much he often slept on the street. Attending a native ministry’s church, the gospel sank deeply into his heart, and he met with the pastor and put his faith in Christ.

Help Train and Send Gospel Workers in Nepal

Nepali Christians wearing sweatshirts and sweatpants sitting in a barren field reading their Bibles

Native workers recently provided 239 new Christians with foundational training to set them on the path of discipleship in local churches. Basic tenets of the faith were taught over three days. One high school girl said she learned much about the Lord and the Bible but was especially thankful to learn of the role of baptism as a public testimony of faith.

Support Evangelistic Outreach in Nepal

A pastor with a native ministry joyfully carried on work in spite of suffering from a tumor and illnesses in his family. “Despite all this, God remained faithful, especially in saving the lost,” he said.

Help Plant and Grow Faith in Christ in Nepal

Recently 239 new Christians were solidly grounded in their faith through a three-day training that local Christian workers provided. A high school girl said she thanked God for the training, adding, “I learned many things about God and the Bible.”