Help Find, Vet and Evaluate Workers

Christian missionary delivers food to a Middle Eastern woman wearing a red head covering in a refugee camp

Respecting the unique, God-given vision of each native ministry we find, Christian Aid humbly assists them in their calling to share the gospel, and many of them are based in the world’s most difficult fields of spiritual and physical need. Committed to serving rather than directing, we financially assist them as God provides through our donors, giving priority to ministries making disciples among unreached people groups.

Support Evangelism and Discipleship in South Asia

South Asian Christians playing outside in a grassy area with an inflatable beach ball

When a native worker went to a Christian’s home, non-Christian neighbors were angry that her feet had touched their area and came over to beat them. The Christians continued to pray, however, and the hostile family left – only to return days later to ask the worker to pray for a grandchild that had died. She prayed, and the child was revived.

Provide Gospel Training and Tools in China

Chinese children sitting in red chairs playing with dominoes at a green table

Praises that a teenager who experienced the care and teaching of native Christian workers recently put his faith in Christ, as God’s Word broke the bondage of belief in ancestral deities. At the same time, discipleship through trainings, camps and Bible studies strengthened the faith of young people and others.

Help Desperate Refugees in Europe

Refugee in Europe holding a missionaries hands

Among the refugees that native ministries receive are both Christians and Jews escaping jihadist violence from different countries, including Nigeria, Morocco and Mauritania. Workers in one European country formed an outreach offering spiritual and psychological help for Jewish refugees.

Enable Evangelistic Outreach in Peru

Peruvian missionary reads a passage of the Bible to a man in the woods

A woman who accepted Christ at one of the churches of a native ministry shared the gospel with her husband for years, but he was not interested. Her death left the 60-year-old widower in a remote village in the Andes deeply anguished, and the gospel seed planted in him began to germinate.

Help Bring Tribal People to Christ in Togo

Togolese Christians sit outside on a concrete patio with their hands held up worshiping God

Several ethnic Ewe women serving Hevioso, a West African god of rainstorms, recently heard native Christian workers share the gospel and put their faith in Christ. Among the Ewe overall, workers saw 62 people accept Christ in 2022. A ministry seminar among the Mossi tribe resulted in 40 people accepting Christ and the planting of two churches last year, with discipleship continuing.

Help Plant Fellowships in Laos

Laotian Christian points a sign while speaking through a microphone while another man works on the electronic equipment

Native Christian workers planted 26 churches over a six-month period in two ways: They led people to Christ at seminars that families from different areas attended, with those people going back to their villages to worship in their homes, while other churches began as ministry teams brought the gospel to various districts.

Help Spread the Salvation Message in Bangladesh

Christians in Bangladesh sit cross-legged on the floor of a bamboo and tin house going through a rigorous Bible study together

A follower of a traditional religion wondered how his sin could be removed, and then a native Christian worker had the opportunity to share the gospel with him. The man received Christ and has begun telling his relatives about God’s grace. Workers focusing on an unreached people group recently planted a church among them, and members of that congregation are bringing the gospel to their relatives in a neighboring village.

Help Provide Aid to Refugees in Greece

Christian woman in Greece standing in a coffee shop with several refugees from foreign countries

A refugee mother who was jailed for lack of legal papers was separated from her young son, who was sent to a hospital. Native Christian workers assisted in obtaining her release, reunited her with her son and helped her locate her two other children who had traveled with another family.

Help Send Word of Christ’s Grace in Lebanon

Lebanese boy wearing a quarter-zip sweatshirt smiling

A father of three young children was pleased when they became involved in a native Christian ministry’s youth program, and when he was laid off from one of two jobs he had taken to support his family, a native Christian worker offered to pray for him.