Lead The Lost To Christ in Türkiye

A young Muslim man began to question his beliefs, sensing there was something missing from his life despite his devotion to Islam. “I yearned for a more personal connection with God,” he said. “A deeper understanding of His love and purpose for my life.” The man came across a magazine that included articles about Christian faith and personal testimonies. While reading, he experienced Jesus’ transformative power, and after further biblical study and attendance at Christian gatherings, he realized Jesus was the missing part of his life. Funds of $25 or $50 help with the creation and distribution of publications such as this. Pray that those who read them will yearn to know more about Jesus.

Disciple New Believers in Türkiye

When a teenage girl told her family she’d become a Christian, they destroyed her Turkish Bible and forbade her from attending any church services. Refusing to renounce her beliefs, the girl marked a tree near her home with the sign of the cross and sits beneath it to read an English Bible, which her family cannot understand and therefore does not realize its value.

Help Train New Christian Leaders in Türkiye

Hundreds of people have been baptized or are awaiting baptism in churches that have been planted across the country. One new church only has two to three attendees, but they are new believers with a “fresh joy in the Lord.”

Help Fuel Gospel Proclamation in Türkiye

Workers distributing aid at a refugee camp shared the gospel with a married couple in a tent where other relatives were present, so they were able to ask questions about the Bible and the Savior sent into the world. The couple and another relative accepted Christ, and five other relatives participate in their Bible studies and worship times.

Provide Critical Aid to Refugees in Türkiye

Refugees from Syria needing clean water, food and health care are facing even greater shortages because of runaway inflation. Local missionaries are helping to meet these needs, including distributions of rice, flour, sunflower oil, sugar, salt, lentils and baby food, along with clean water, soap and feminine hygiene items. “Everything is unfortunately very expensive,” the ministry leader said.

Bring More People into the Kingdom in Türkiye

A family suffering various illnesses was passing by a church and, having seen a film depicting foreign pastors casting out evil spirits, entered the native ministry’s office and asked for prayer. Workers prayed for them and gave them a New Testament, encouraging them to read it daily and ask Christ for help.

Provide Aid for Traumatized Refugees in Türkiye

Many employers refuse to hire refugees, and those that do would not pay enough for them to cover rent. The refugees tell workers that they cannot return to Syria as war has turned residential areas into areas of dangerous conflict or crime. Native Christian workers are the only ones providing them food, water and other aid, opening hearts to the Bible, prayer and the gospel.

Support Gospel Proclamation in Türkiye

Christians in Turkiye sitting in wooden pews in their small church building listening to their pastor preach

A young man who attended a native ministry’s church told the leader that he was an atheist, but after their conversation he attended weekly youth meetings. In the ensuing weeks the worker answered more of his questions about the Lord, and his heart began to soften; after hearing the leader preach on the need to trust God, the young man spoke with him and accepted Christ as Lord and Savior.

Help Plant and Grow Churches in Türkiye

Turkish Christians sitting around a table in a small room with their children for a Bible study

Native Christian workers are seeing the Lord do amazing things. After much prayer and outreach, workers began a fellowship of Iranian refugees in one town, and in another city, a new home fellowship has begun as 12 people recently put their faith in Christ. Each week after Sunday worship, workers and church members travel to two cities more than 80 miles away to share the gospel and lead services.

Equip Gospel Workers in Türkiye

The Lord is stirring people’s hearts to know Christ, with 20 to 30 visitors coming to a native ministry’s church services each Sunday and 10 to 20 people picking up New Testaments daily. A daughter church in another town began growing after members began meeting in a more visible location, and 14 people recently made their new faith public.