Provide Aid for Traumatized Refugees in Türkiye

December 21

Many employers refuse to hire refugees, and those that do would not pay enough for them to cover rent. The refugees tell workers that they cannot return to Syria as war has turned residential areas into areas of dangerous conflict or crime. Native Christian workers are the only ones providing them food, water and other aid, opening hearts to the Bible, prayer and the gospel. “We are praying to God that He might ease the suffering of the fathers who come to us crying, who stand in line to get water and bread in front of their children and are so ashamed,” the ministry leader said. Workers need donations of $35 or $70 to provide such aid. Pray more people receiving aid will find grace and hope in Christ.

“The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” (1 Timothy 1:5)

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