Nigerian children crowded together for an event

Send Aid and Gospel Hope in Nigeria

October 8

Violence and kidnapping have driven thousands of people from their homes, creating unprecedented opportunity for native Christian workers to share the gospel as they provide critical aid to the displaced. “We need 400 Hausa Bibles urgently and more audio Bibles in Hausa, Fulfulde and English,” the ministry leader said. “We need to give some of them bed sheets, blankets and bags of rice and maize. Please help these people, as many of them are dying of hunger.” The ministry provided aid to 13,000 displaced people over six months. Workers need donations to provide aid, Bibles and gospel hope to the displaced. Pray for worker safety as they minister amid many dangers.

“He will send help from heaven to rescue me, disgracing those who hound me. My God will send forth his unfailing love and faithfulness.” (Psalm 57:3)

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